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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Fault in Our Stars Pt. 2

The character development in The Fault in Our Stars shows the true bond of love between two young adults and how their medical condition affects the development of their character as the novel goes on. Hazel is the protagonist and narrator of The Fault in Our Stars; a unique and witty 16 year old girl with Stage 4 Thyroid cancer that spread to her lungs. Although lucky to be living thanks to an experimental drug called Phalaxinor, Hazel goes through a roller coaster of frequent health issues due to her diseased lungs. Unlike many people, Hazel approaches the idea of her illness lightly; she cares more about hurting the people around her rather than the tragedy of accepting her own death. Hazel is extremely intelligent, slightly stubborn, and very strong. She begins to accept those around her as the length of her illness comes to the end. Augustus Waters is a seventeen year old boy. He is determined to love Hazel no matter what might happen in the future, who is also very handsome and charming. He has been through a lot in his life, being  the cancer he had caused him to have a leg removed. Augustus isn't afraid to do what he wants because he realizes that someday no one alive at this time will be remembered. He's already had one girlfriend who died from cancer, but knows that his love for Hazel Grace is more important than what might happen. He is very loving and never gives up on Hazel Grace. The two never give up on each other no matter what problems arise which shows the meaning of true love.

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault In Our Stars is narrated from the perspective of Hazel, a 16-year-old girl who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Although she prefers to isolate herself from her peers, her physician recommends that she attends a weekly cancer support group where she meets Augustus Waters, a young boy in who is in remission. Augustus takes an immediate liking to Hazel and their romantic relationship quickly blossoms. Their experiences living with cancer brings them closer as they search for answers to Hazel’s favorite novel. The way he explores what it feels like to be young and dying of terminal cancer is somewhat brutal. Augustus yearns to leave his mark on the world so that he can be remembered after his death while Hazel takes a more simplistic approach to life, trying to take in all that surrounds her, or “notice the universe” as she describes it. These two together make each other feel like they are on top of the world and nothing, not even terminal cancer can tear apart the moments they share with each other now and for the rest of their lives. This novel brings forth the harsh reality of cancer and how it affects people and the loved ones around them. This novel is very emotional and truly shows great understanding and compassion between two young adults who are still trying to figure themselves out as well. Hazel and Augustus have accepted with what has faced them, and they begin to make each other worth living for. The character development that goes on throughout this novel portrays two young adults who are very witty and intelligent, and it shows how they can deal with real life difficulties that other normal teenagers may not have to face in their lifetime.