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Friday, December 13, 2013

Lovely Bones Blog 2

The supernatural plays a main role throughout the Lovely Bones. Susie is caught in between both worlds of reality and the supernatural. Susie faces many struggles being caught in between the two completely different worlds. She faces the problems of not being able to contact her family or friends and she is faced with the reality that she must face acceptance in to herself alone. She was a victim of a terrible, brutal murder and there was nothing she could do to change what happened. She just has to face the struggles of her character change as her family is forced to move on without her. In many instances Susie wants to help her father as well as the rest of her family to help them reveal who had killed her. Her emotions are overwhelmed in this situation because as much as she wishes she could see her family again, she must face the facts that she will never see them again. The grief and darkness throughout this novel dwell over the family as well as Susie. Her family finally reaches closure when they find out who killed her. Even though her body was disposed into a dump, they had all the evidence they needed to accuse Mr. Harvey of the murder of Susie Salmon. At the end of the novel, Susie finally leaves this middle world and she is no longer caught up in the events that have occurred over the span of this time. Her soul finally reaches eternal happiness when she accepts that she must move on to heaven to live eternal happiness. Susie finally gets the closure she needs to move on but she will always look over and protect her family until they meet again someday.

The Lovely Bones

    The Lovely Bones is a novel about a girl named Susie Salmon who is brutally murdered by her neighbor Mr. Harvey. The novel is written in first person as Susie is the narrator describing the events as they occur over a long period of eight years. Susie focuses on her life and the pain of her family and friends as the death of herself dwells on the minds of her loved ones as they are eager to uncover the hidden truths behind her murder.  The main theme behind this story is the battle between good and evil. The constant battle between Susie's father Mr. salmon and Mr. Harvey as secrets are revealed following the years after her death. When subtle hints begin to uncover Mr. Salmon fights effortlessly to uncover who murdered his daughter. The rising action between good and evil begins when Susie's friend Lindsey enters Mr. Harvey's house and discovers the underground plans of the cornfield. She just barely makes it out without getting caught by the murderous Mr. Harvey. The family finally reaches their long awaiting closure to their pain and suffering when they see the plans found in his house. The pieces begin to fall into place as Mr. Harvey's world comes crashing down. Mr Harvey is the evil represented in this story through his actions. Susie on the other hand represents the good in this story showing that they must not fall into the darkness and grief of death. Through the family's perseverance and Susie by their side they do not lose hope and fight until they uncover the truth. Susie's absence does not impact the family's hope. The protection and love Susie shows for her family even after she's gone ultimately pushes her family to seek answers and to never give up., The grief of the family does not overwhelm them, instead it acts as motivation to find the man who did this to their precious daughter.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Where are you going? Where have you been?

In this short story where are you going?, where have you been the main character Connie is a very interesting character. Growing up as a young teenage girl she is very overwhelmed in herself and how she presented herself throughout the novel. In the story she presented herself as very two sided. For example she would say one thing and do another, be somewhere then be somewhere else in the story. Her role is very typical of a teenager growing up. But during the story Connie makes some misleading decisions along the way especially when she stayed with them boys when she only knew she was in for trouble. Any other teenage girl would avoid the situation as much as possible and walk away from the boys but her character misleads the audience and perceives her true personality.

The story in and of itself is very mysterious and leaves you with unanswered questions regarding main events that occur within the novel. It hints to many key events especially determining whether Connie got raped by the two boys. In the beginning of the story Arnold presents many instances as to him approaching Connie in a seductive manner. He showed up at Connie's house randomly which should told her to get as far away from him as possible. He was stalking/creeping on her. The aggressive manner he displays towards her gives me bad vibes. Connie should have noticed many warning signs before she chose to stay with those boys. He safety would've been more secured if she was more conscientious of her actions. Although, teenagers will make mistakes and eventually will learn the consequences. The story leaves many unanswered questions regarding the characters and their actions.

The two boys in the story are the creepiest stalkers and i just get a negative feel when reading how they are going to take advantage of a young girl. When Arnold says, "I'm gonna get you" that would just freak me out and would call it quits especially if she was uncomfortable. The boys make her feel uncomfortable but maybe she is turned on by the bad boy type. Maybe she enjoyed the attention like most girls do lol. But I believe Arnold and his friend come on a little too strong on Connie. I would be creeped out if i was in the situation of getting taken advantage of. This story can relate to many situations nowadays where boys come on too strong to girls and eventually get charges filed against them for unwilling sexual contact. Rape also occurs a lot too and the female is usually the victim because males are naturally more aggressive than women. Oates creates great viewpoints that leave readers questioning the behavior and reasoning behind some of the actions of the characters. The young teen Connie and the unanwsered questions of what happened between the three of them. As well as the boys reasoning for the sexual aggression and confrontation with Connie

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I am currently reading the Hound of Baskervilles, this novel presents many scenes and setting in which present a Gothic, medieval theme. This Gothic theme underlies many important points of interest throughout the novel. Also the role of supernatural that comes into play in this novel highlights the bizarre, inexplainable events that go on. It is the job of Sherlock Holmes to uncover the mysteries going on around the Baskerville Hall. He considers all logical explanations that point to a specific solution. Holmes logic on examining facts and answers before jumping to conclusions and falling back on the supernatural for the causes of danger in this novel. Sherlock Holmes struggles with the two opposing forces of nature and the supernatural occurrences. These two forces meddle between logic and reasoning. Holmes's determination and logic is set back by the disturbance of outside forces which delay his responses in investigations. Many people seek to Holmes for some answers as to what is going on around the moor and nearby areas. After the death of Sir Charles Baskerville, many unanswered question were left in the hands of Holmes to solve. Dr. Mortimer suggested that the Baskerville family line was indeed being haunted by a mysterious black hound. Dr. Watson and Holmes work as a duo to uncover the mysteries behind the family kin. The dark setting as well as the mysterious stalking of the family and random killings adds suspense to the readers view of the novel. The struggle between dark forces and good nature is revealed in the battle to uncover the myseries of the Baskerville Hall. The author uses the hints of dark, gothic themes to tie a deeper more spiritual meaning to why things are happening in the story. many mysteries are revealed through these dark effects.