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Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I am currently reading the Hound of Baskervilles, this novel presents many scenes and setting in which present a Gothic, medieval theme. This Gothic theme underlies many important points of interest throughout the novel. Also the role of supernatural that comes into play in this novel highlights the bizarre, inexplainable events that go on. It is the job of Sherlock Holmes to uncover the mysteries going on around the Baskerville Hall. He considers all logical explanations that point to a specific solution. Holmes logic on examining facts and answers before jumping to conclusions and falling back on the supernatural for the causes of danger in this novel. Sherlock Holmes struggles with the two opposing forces of nature and the supernatural occurrences. These two forces meddle between logic and reasoning. Holmes's determination and logic is set back by the disturbance of outside forces which delay his responses in investigations. Many people seek to Holmes for some answers as to what is going on around the moor and nearby areas. After the death of Sir Charles Baskerville, many unanswered question were left in the hands of Holmes to solve. Dr. Mortimer suggested that the Baskerville family line was indeed being haunted by a mysterious black hound. Dr. Watson and Holmes work as a duo to uncover the mysteries behind the family kin. The dark setting as well as the mysterious stalking of the family and random killings adds suspense to the readers view of the novel. The struggle between dark forces and good nature is revealed in the battle to uncover the myseries of the Baskerville Hall. The author uses the hints of dark, gothic themes to tie a deeper more spiritual meaning to why things are happening in the story. many mysteries are revealed through these dark effects.

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